Care Transitions

Because of the heterogeneity of the older adult population, more research is needed to develop measures for older adults with a wide range of medical conditions.

ED visits are often critical inflection points in an older adult’s health trajectory. A large amount of evidence indicates that an ED visit is a period of vulnerability for older adults, especially as they transition back to the community, from the ED to home or a nursing home. Thus, improving management of care transitions could improve person-centered care, increase value, and reduce health care costs. The GEAR subcommittee on care transitions defined care transitions as “the movement of patients between the ED and home or another care setting” and noted that care transitions can be bidirectional.

Best Practice Notes

While much is to be learned from further research on segmented populations within this heterogenous group, a few notes on helping transitions from the ED to home settings and vice versa are as follows:

Top Research Priority Areas

Top voted Care Transitions research priority areas ranked during the 2019 GEAR Consensus conference are as follows: