Who We Are

GEAR 2.0 - Leadership

Ula Hwang, MD, MPH (Detection Workgroup) - MPI

Professor of Emergency Medicine and Population Health| Medical Director of Geriatric Emergency Medicine | New York University Grossman School of Medicine

Ula Hwang is a Professor of Emergency Medicine and Population Health and Medical Director of Geriatric Emergency Medicine at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, with an adjunct appointment at Yale School of Medicine. She is also a core investigator at the GRECC (Geriatrics Research, Education and Clinical Center) at the James J. Peters Bronx VAMC. She is the co-PI of the Geriatric ED Collaborative (GEDC), a national implementation program supported by the John A. Hartford Foundation and the West Health Institute to educate, implement, and evaluate geriatric emergency care and the PI of the National Institute on Aging funded Geriatric Emergency care Applied Research (GEAR) Network, and MPI of GEAR 2.0 – Advancing Dementia Care.


Manish N. Shah, MD, MPH (Care Transitions Workgroup) - MPI

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Manish N. Shah is a practicing emergency physician as well as Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Shah has dedicated his career to improving the care delivered to older adults suffering from acute illnesses or injuries. He works to understand why older adults travel to emergency departments to obtain healthcare, to improve the care delivered in the emergency department, and to develop and test innovative approaches of providing older adults acute illness and injury care that is safe, convenient, and effective. His work has particularly advanced the science supporting programs that use telemedicine and community-based emergency medical technicians and paramedics to care for older adults.


Chris Carpenter, MD, MSc (Emergency Medicine Dissemination & Implementation Core Lead)

Professor of Emergency Medicine | Vice Chair of Implementation & Innovation | Mayo Clinic Rochester

Chris Carpenter is dual-trained in Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine and Professor of Emergency Medicine at Mayo Clinic-Rochester. He serves on the American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policy Committee and leads the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Guidelines for Reasonable & Appropriate Care in the Emergency Department. His research interests include diagnostics, dementia, falls prevention, and implementation science. He is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Academic Emergency Medicine, and Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and the ACP Journal Club of Annals of Internal Medicine. He co-led the collaboration to develop the American College of Emergency Physician/American Geriatrics Society Geriatric Emergency Department Guidelines as well as the EQUATOR Network’s Standards for Reporting of Implementation Research (StaRI) reporting guidelines.

Scott Dresden, MD, MS (Research Core Lead)

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Scott Dresden is an emergency physician and health services researcher dedicated to improving acute care for older adults. He is the Director of the Geriatric Emergency Department Innovations (GEDI) program at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, a Level 1 geriatric emergency department, as accredited by the American College of Emergency Physicians. His research has been funded by the NIA and PCORI, and he is currently leading a R01 funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in which he conducts a randomized controlled trial to measure the impact of GEDI on health services use and health-related quality of life for older adults in the ED.

Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi, PhD, RN (Recruitment, Engagement and Retention Core Lead)

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine | University of Wisconsin - Madison

Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi is an Associate Professor and the Associate Vice Chair for Research in the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine at UW-Madison. Dr. Gilmore-Bykovskyi also serves as Deputy Director of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR) and Informatics Lead for the University of Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) Care Research Core. Her research focuses on promoting effective, meaningful, and equitable care and research for people living with and at risk for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. She has coauthored over 80 publications and led numerous NIH and foundation-funded projects.


GEAR 2.0 Grantees (2022-2023)

Brock Daniels, MD, MPH | 2022-2023 - GEAR 2.0

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine | Weill Cornell Medicine

Dr. Daniels was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. He will work on his project titled, “Using Mobile Integrated Health and Telehealth to Perform In-Home Fall-Risk Reduction among Persons Living with Dementia after a Sentinel Emergency Department Encounter” at Weill Cornell Medicine.

Cameron Gettel, MD, MHS | 2022-2023 - GEAR 2.0

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine |Yale School of Medicine

Dr. Gettel was awarded Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. He will work on his project titled, “ED-to-community care transitions for persons living with dementia and care partners: development, implementation, and pilot testing of a novel artificial intelligence + care coach intervention” at Yale School of Medicine.

Awards: Dr. Gettel received the 2023 AGS Health in Aging Foundation New Investigator Award.

Alexander S. Lo, MD, PhD | 2022-2023 - GEAR 2.0

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Dr. Lo was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. He will work on his project titled, “Improving Emergency Department Care and Care Transitions: Perspectives of Persons Living with Dementia and their Care Partners” at Northwestern University.

Megan McHugh, PhD | 2022-2023 - GEAR 2.0

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Dr. McHugh was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. She will work with Dr. Lo on his project titled, “Improving Emergency Department Care and Care Transitions: Perspectives of Persons Living with Dementia and their Care Partners” at Northwestern University.

GEAR 2.0 Grantees (2023-2024)

Anita Chary, MD, PhD | 2023-2024 - GEAR 2.0

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine | Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Chary was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. She will work on her project titled, “A Qualitative Study of Health Priorities and Emergency Department Communication with Black and Hispanic Persons Living with Dementia and Care Partners” at Baylor College of Medicine.

Elizabeth Goldberg, MD, ScM | 2023-2024 - GEAR 2.0

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine | University of Colorado School of Medicine

Dr. Goldberg was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. She will work on her project titled, “Modifying the GAPcare Fall Prevention Intervention with Patients with Cognitive Impairment and Their Caregivers” at University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Justine Seidenfeld, MD | 2023-2024 - GEAR 2.0

Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine; Core Investigator, Center for Innovation to Accelerate Discovery and Practice | Durham VA Health Care System

Dr. Seidenfeld was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. She will work on her project titled, “Characterizing Emergency Department Disposition Conversations for Veterans with Dementia Using Direct Observations” at the Durham VA Medical Center.

GEAR 2.0 Grantees (2024-2025)

Adrian Haimovich, MD, PhD | 2024-2025 - GEAR 2.0

Clinical Instructor in Emergency Medicine | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Dr. Haimovich was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. He will work on his project titled, “Feasibility of a stakeholder-informed sleep hygiene intervention for persons living with dementia in the Emergency Department (SLEEP-ED)” at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Michelle A. Fischer, MD, MPH | 2024-2025 - GEAR 2.0

Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine | The Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center

Dr. Fischer was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. She will work With Dr. Wright on their project titled, “Penn State Emergency Medicine CarES: Care-partner Evaluation and Sourcing in the ED” at the Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center.

Rollin M. Wright, MD, MS, MPH | 2024-2025 - GEAR 2.0

Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine | The Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center

Dr. Wright was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. She will work with Dr. Fischer on their project titled, “Penn State Emergency Medicine CarES: Care-partner Evaluation and Sourcing in the ED” at the Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center.

Michelle P. Lin, MD, MPH, MS | 2024-2025 - GEAR 2.0

Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine | Stanford University

Dr. Lin was awarded the Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (2.0) Network Grant. She will work on her project titled, “Functional and Cognitive Outcomes and Recovery after Emergency Department Visits among Older Adults with Dementia (FACTOR-ED)” at the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.