Who We Are
GEAR 1.0 - Leadership

Ula Hwang, MD, MPH (Research Core Lead) – PI
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Population Health |Medical Director of Geriatric Emergency Medicine | New York University Grossman School of Medicine
Ula Hwang is a Professor of Emergency Medicine and Population Health and Medical Director of Geriatric Emergency Medicine at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, with an adjunct appointment at Yale School of Medicine. She is also a core investigator at the GRECC (Geriatrics Research, Education and Clinical Center) at the James J. Peters Bronx VAMC. She is the co-PI of the Geriatric ED Collaborative (GEDC), a national implementation program supported by the John A. Hartford Foundation and the West Health Institute to educate, implement, and evaluate geriatric emergency care and the PI of the National Institute on Aging funded Geriatric Emergency care Applied Research (GEAR) Network, and MPI of GEAR 2.0 – Advancing Dementia Care.

Chris Carpenter, MD, MSc (Emergency Medicine Dissemination & Implementation Core Lead)
Professor of Emergency Medicine | Vice Chair of Implementation & Innovation | Mayo Clinic Rochester
Chris Carpenter is dual-trained in Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine and Professor of Emergency Medicine at Mayo Clinic-Rochester. He serves on the American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policy Committee and leads the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Guidelines for Reasonable & Appropriate Care in the Emergency Department. His research interests include diagnostics, dementia, falls prevention, and implementation science. He is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Academic Emergency Medicine, and Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and the ACP Journal Club of Annals of Internal Medicine. He co-led the collaboration to develop the American College of Emergency Physician/American Geriatrics Society Geriatric Emergency Department Guidelines as well as the EQUATOR Network’s Standards for Reporting of Implementation Research (StaRI) reporting guidelines.
Twitter: @GeriatricEDNews
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mDjG2hwAAAAJ&hl=en&inst=12058184521150304743

Cindy Brandt, MD, MPH (Data/Informatics Core Lead)
Professor of Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology & Biostatistics | VA Connecticut, Yale University

Nicki Hastings, MD (Geriatrics Dissemination & Implementation Core Lead)
Professor of Medicine & Population Health Sciences; Director, Center of Innovation to Accelerate Discovery & Practice Transformation (ADAPT) Duke University School of Medicine & Durham VA Health Care System

William Hung, MD, MPH (Geriatrics Measurement Core Lead)
Professor of Geriatrics & Palliative Medicine | Mount Sinai

Raymond Kang, MA (Research Core Lead)
Team Leader Database, Center for Community Health | Northwestern University

Tim Platts-Mills, MD, MSc (Emergency Medicine Measurement Core Lead)
Senior Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Quantworks, Inc.
GEAR 1.0 Grantees

Scott Dresden, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Dr. Dresden was awarded a Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (1.0) Network Grant. He will work on his project titled, “Identifying Older Adults with Delirium in the Emergency Department: Risk Factors and Phenotypes” at Northwestern University.

Cameron Gettel, MD, MHS
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine | Yale University School of Medicine
Dr. Gettel was awarded a Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (1.0) Network Grant. He will work on his project titled, “A health equity assessment of What Matters to older adults and patient-perceived success of ED care Transitions” at Yale University.

Rachel Skains, MD, MSPH
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine | University of Alabama Heersink School of Medicine
Dr. Skains was awarded a Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (1.0) Network Grant. She will work on her project titled, “Impact of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Prescribed at Emergency Department Discharge on Geriatric Patient-Level Outcomes” at the University of Alabama.